How to create alignment, build momentum, and start strong during the high-stakes First 100 Day period after a deal is closed
Investors don't get a second chance to get off to a strong start in a new deal.
There’s a truism in life that “a strong finish wins the race.” But in M&A, experience has taught us that a strong start —one that creates momentum, gets the flywheel spinning quickly—is ultimately what puts a newly-acquired business in a position to win the race. But too often, investors unknowingly squander the golden opportunity that they have in the critical First 100 day period. We're out to change that in this workshop.
In this workshop, we'll share 5 must-do's in the First 100 that can help investors and their portfolio companies to:

Create alignment & build momentum

Accelerate post-closing value creation

Generate better investment returns
Here's what's covered in the workshop:
➤ Why a "fast start wins the race"—and why the First 100 Day period is so important to deal success.
➤ The factors that get in the way of winning the First 100 Days.
➤ 5 keys to getting off to a fast start in the First 100, and how we can help.

Meet the Host: Dan Cremons
For deal-makers, the First 100 Day period is the most important chapter in the deal lifecycle.
Why? Because it is during this critical period that the foundation is laid upon which value-creation can happen, and growth can take hold. Smart investors recognize that the First 100 Days presents a golden opportunity to get the value-creation flywheel spinning quickly.
However, too often, we see investors unknowingly squander the opportunity to create alignment and build momentum during this period—oftentimes because they get busy with other deals.
But when investors and their management team fail to use this First 100 days period to build a strong foundational relationship, set clear expectations, create a shared reality, get aligned on where they're going together, and bag some quick wins… it can be costly down the line.
Failing to do these things can create downstream issues—misalignment, leadership changes, relationship issues—that get in the way of value-creation and growth.
But the good news is: there are 5 low-cost, but high-impact practices that can help investors create alignment, build momentum, and get value-creation off to a strong start post-closing. And we created this workshop to share them.
Here's to starting strong!